Testing Facebook Ad Creative: The Path to Better Sales

Want more sales from Facebook ads? Wondering if better creative could improve your results? In this article, you’ll learn how to efficiently test your Facebook ad creative so you can scale your results and increase sales. Why Facebook Ads in a Post-COVID World? Let’s start at the beginning. Why Facebook ads? Especially following so close […]

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Tips to Improve Sales Closing Ratios

A business is only as good as its salesforce, or so they say and it is not ideal when a large portion of good leads don’t get converted. The sales team are very much the cutting edge of every business; without them there would be nothing, therefore it makes sense to invest heavily in sales […]

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The Best Ways to Market Your Commercial Property

URL: https://pixabay.com/vectors/realtor-business-house-sign-sale-6019792/ Before you start marketing your commercial property, create a real estate marketing strategy to help you track the overall progress of your advertising efforts. A marketing plan also allows you to effectively communicate with prospects, stakeholders, and clients about your project. In this article, you’ll learn how you can successfully market your commercial […]

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How to Do an Instagram Giveaway: Ideas and Tips

Wondering how to run an Instagram contest? Looking for Instagram giveaway ideas you can adapt? In this article, you’ll find tips and inspiration to help you plan successful Instagram giveaways that support your marketing goals. What Are Instagram’s Rules for Contests? Instagram makes it relatively easy to run contests, compared to Facebook regulations that limit […]

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5 Killer Tips to Increase Your YouTube Subscribers

YouTube is undoubtedly the biggest video-sharing network worldwide. As a content creator, this makes it the biggest platform for publishing videos that will attract a global audience. However, this also means having to stand out from the millions of content creators using this platform. The easiest way to do this is by having more YouTube […]

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Increasing Diversity in the Supply Chain

While there is no question that COVID-19 took a toll on all of society, one of the first things people started hearing about in the media was the breakdown of the global supply chain. In 2020, the shortages of necessities like PPE, toilet paper, and food items became so widespread that the general public was […]

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Improving Instagram Engagement to Build Community and Conversions

Is your Instagram engagement falling day by day? Could you be making mistakes that turn your followers off? In this article, you’ll discover a proven strategy to help you get more engagement on Instagram and stop making potentially dangerous posting mistakes. Why Instagram Engagement Is a Priority Engagement is the act of taking the time […]

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How to Get a Free Online College Education

Getting a degree takes lots of time, money, and effort. However, recently college degrees have become less useful. 73% of Americans get a job unrelated to their degree, and more than half of Gen-Zs in the U.S think that a college degree isn’t necessary for success. College degrees have become increasingly unpopular. The cost of […]

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Tools That Help to Create a Business Website

A business is both a great responsibility and a headache: reports, checks, salaries… Everything requires money. That’s why, when the question arises of how to create a website step by step, many entrepreneurs decide to leave it for later. But we are not going to talk here about the causes and consequences; instead, we will […]

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